Call for ideas for Newcastle University's student-run science magazine
Want to make this your best year of university yet? Then get your creative science hats on and hang on tight, it's time to kick off the first issue of {react} for the 2013-2014 year!
Want to make this your best year of university yet? Then get your creative science hats on and hang on tight, it's time to kick off the first issue of {react} for the 2013-2014 year!
We are now accepting ideas for articles for {react} magazine Issue 4: In the Blink of an Eye
{react} articles are brief, thought-provoking and fun. We aren't looking for technical papers or 2000 word essays - we want you to tell us about the science, technology, engineering and maths topics that really interest you.
Your article can be a research piece, interview, review of a book or film, comic strip or anything else you can think of. Check out or past issues to see the topics other students have explored (
Our regular sections include:
- NCL:Research - showcase a fascinating research project taking place at Newcastle University. It doesn't have to be your own work, just something you find interesting.
- Science Heroes - sing the praises of a favourite science personality
- Science:fiction - explore the science behind books and films. Is the rapid development of everyday technology outstripping writers' abilities to deal with it? When was the last time you saw a mobile phone work in a horror movie?
- Student stories - your inspiring science experiences from everyday life
We are also accepting articles linked to Issue 4's theme 'In the Blink of an Eye'.
Here are some of our ideas, but we're sure you can do better!
- How does body react so quickly to stimulus?
- On a geological timescale, humans are still just a blip. How do we know so much about the deep past?
- How fast are recycling and materials like biodegradable plastics helping our waste to vanish, if at all?
- Our perception of time is a strange thing. Degrees seem to stretch into forever at the start, but graduation comes all too soon...
To be considered for the next issue, please send a short proposal (~100 words) to and by September 23rd.
Elspeth and Gesa
Editors {react} magazine
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